- TIL the QWERTY keyboard layout has it's keys arranged to prevent internal mechanical jams of early typewriters. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/typewriter#keyboard_layouts:_.22qwerty.22_and_others 3 comments reddit.com
Linking pages
- Towards Better Keyboards http://www.loup-vaillant.fr/articles/better-keyboards 219 comments
- What Is The Morning Writing Effect? · Gwern.net https://www.gwern.net/Morning-writing 110 comments
- Email explained from first principles https://explained-from-first-principles.com/email/ 109 comments
- How I Satisfied My Passion for Software Development and Open-Source by Doing a Part-Time PhD | IT with Passion http://omerio.com/how-i-satisfied-my-passion-for-software-development-and-open-source-by-doing-a-part-time-phd/ 63 comments
- The End of Pax Papyra and the Fall of Big Paper http://www.forbes.com/sites/venkateshrao/2012/03/13/the-end-of-pax-papyra-and-the-fall-of-big-paper/ 26 comments
- Dead Metaphors in Computer Science | Matthias Endler https://endler.dev/2020/folklore/ 14 comments
- Goodbye, Ctrl-S. I am saved | by Jeff Jarvis | Fear and Technopanic | Medium https://medium.com/@jeffjarvis/8f424e463dbe 5 comments
- The Case Against Character Count Line Limit https://blog.lohr.dev/character-line-limits 5 comments
- The Future of Computers as Trucks – Connor Tomas O'Brien http://connortomas.com/2013/02/the-future-of-computers-as-trucks/ 1 comment
- Assisted Writing. Reimagining Word Processing | by samim | Medium https://medium.com/@samim/assisted-writing-7adea9aed19 0 comments
- Astigmatism and ergonomics: TL;DR: Use a light theme on a HiDPI screen with a desk setup that does not encourage bending your spine. Also, go for an eye examination if you can. https://blog.kielbowi.cz/astigmatism 0 comments
- Astigmatism and ergonomics: TL;DR: Use a light theme on a HiDPI screen with a desk setup that does not encourage bending your spine. Also, go for an eye examination if you can. https://jupblb.prose.sh/astigmatism 0 comments
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