- Turing machine thing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_machine#Turing_machine_%22state%22_diagrams 6 comments bash
- Is it true that Turing Machines cannot fully incorporate concurrency and/or parallel processing? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_machine#Concurrency 56 comments compsci
Linking pages
- Gwern Branwen - How an Anonymous Researcher Predicted AI's Trajectory https://www.dwarkeshpatel.com/p/gwern-branwen 247 comments
- DNA seen through the eyes of a coder (or, If you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail) - Bert Hubert's writings https://berthub.eu/articles/posts/amazing-dna/ 122 comments
- Turing’s topological proof that every written alphabet is finite – David Richeson: Division by Zero https://divisbyzero.com/2010/05/27/turings-topological-proof-that-every-written-alphabet-is-finite/ 114 comments
- Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, Tokens, ICOs: Why should anyone care? | by Preethi Kasireddy | HackerNoon.com | Medium https://medium.com/@preethikasireddy/bitcoin-ethereum-blockchain-tokens-icos-why-should-anyone-care-890b868cec06 106 comments
- To create a super-intelligent machine, start with an equation http://theconversation.com/to-create-a-super-intelligent-machine-start-with-an-equation-20756 84 comments
- Every Computer System is a State Machine -- TLA+ series (1) https://blog.the-pans.com/state-machine/ 68 comments
- Accodeing to you http://my-codeworks.com/blog/2015/css3-proven-to-be-turing-complete 55 comments
- How to Program Simply by Not Using Object-Oriented Programming | by Shalitha Suranga | Level Up Coding https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-to-program-simply-by-not-using-object-oriented-programming-368de601fc26?sk=b792c7749f6080c0f1134a62b38938e8 50 comments
- Richard Feynman’s Advice to a Young Stephen Wolfram (1985) https://cantorsparadise.substack.com/p/richard-feynmans-advice-to-a-young 48 comments
- GitHub - rekihattori/awesome-programmers: A list of history's greatest software engineers and tech pioneers https://github.com/rekihattori/awesome-programmers 44 comments
- Grammars for programming languages | by Mikhail Barash | Medium https://medium.com/@mikhail.barash.mikbar/grammars-for-programming-languages-fae3a72a22c6 44 comments
- Gödel, Turing and Cantor: The Math – The Vault of the Future http://skibinsky.com/godel-turing-and-cantor-the-math/ 42 comments
- P″ - The original Brainf*ck and mother of the Turing tarpits - DEV Community https://dev.to/buntine/p---the-original-brainfck-and-mother-of-the-turing-tarpits 41 comments
- Alt-F4 #23 - Beltravaganza https://alt-f4.blog/ALTF4-23 37 comments
- Uncomputable Numbers. Real numbers we can never know the… | by Jørgen Veisdal | Cantor’s Paradise https://medium.com/cantors-paradise/uncomputable-numbers-ee528830d295 37 comments
- How does Ethereum work, anyway?. Introduction | by Preethi Kasireddy | Medium https://medium.com/@preethikasireddy/how-does-ethereum-work-anyway-22d1df506369 32 comments
- Uncomputable Numbers. Real numbers we can never know the… | by Jørgen Veisdal | Cantor’s Paradise https://www.cantorsparadise.com/uncomputable-numbers-ee528830d295 23 comments
- Turing Uncomputability - by Jørgen Veisdal - Privatdozent https://www.privatdozent.co/p/turing-uncomputability 22 comments
- Teaching Functional Programming: Two Big Picture Approaches - DEV Community https://dev.to/eddroid/teaching-functional-programming-two-big-picture-approaches-3nli 21 comments
- Flash is not a Right | Ian Bogost http://www.bogost.com/blog/flash_is_not_a_right.shtml 20 comments
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