Hacker News
- Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by a protozoan that might change its host's behavior. 1/3rd of the world population is infected, with infection rates as high as 88% in France and 80% in Germany. WTF? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/toxoplasmosis? 420 comments science
- Cat people: a *parasite* might explain why the world thinks you guys are freaks! [Real science inside] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasmosis 7 comments reddit.com
- Odds are that you are currently infected by a parasite (up to 88% of people in France) which can alter your behavior, possibly by increasing dopamine levels. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/toxoplasmosis 2 comments reddit.com
Linking pages
- You are parasitising your body: exploring the idea that self is an informational symbiont of Homo sapiens. https://laulpogan.substack.com/p/you-are-parasitising-your-body-exploring 167 comments
- How Should We Critique Research? · Gwern.net https://www.gwern.net/Research-criticism 81 comments
- There's Little Evidence That The Infamous 'Cat Parasite' Causes Psychological Changes in Humans, Study Finds : ScienceAlert http://www.sciencealert.com/there-s-little-evidence-that-the-infamous-cat-parasite-causes-psychological-changes-in-humans-study-finds 8 comments
- Mind-Altering Cat Parasite Linked to Schizophrenia in Largest Study Yet : ScienceAlert https://www.sciencealert.com/mind-altering-cat-parasite-linked-to-schizophrenia-in-largest-study-yet 4 comments
- CatThink: see the cats of Instagram in realtime with RethinkDB and Socket.io - RethinkDB http://rethinkdb.com/blog/cats-of-instagram/ 0 comments
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