- Energy efficiency of Linux compared to other, typically closed-source operating systems https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson%27s_law#Related_efficiency 40 comments linux
- How productive is your work culture? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson%27s_law 5 comments cscareerquestions
Linking pages
- GitHub - dwmkerr/hacker-laws: 💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws https://github.com/dwmkerr/hacker-laws#cunninghams-law 1433 comments
- Do We Worship Complexity? – INNOQ https://www.innoq.com/de/blog/do-we-worship-complexity/ 351 comments
- Mental Models I Find Repeatedly Useful | by Gabriel Weinberg | Medium https://medium.com/@yegg/mental-models-i-find-repeatedly-useful-936f1cc405d 227 comments
- 15 Fundamental Laws of Software Development http://www.exceptionnotfound.net/fundamental-laws-of-software-development/ 226 comments
- Parkinson's Law: It's Real, So Use It - by James Stanier https://theengineeringmanager.substack.com/p/parkinsons-law-its-real-so-use-it 169 comments
- The Art of Finishing | ByteDrum https://www.bytedrum.com/posts/art-of-finishing/ 165 comments
- Using fake deadlines without driving your engineers crazy https://zaidesanton.substack.com/p/using-fake-deadlines-without-driving 120 comments
- Software Effort Estimation Considered Harmful - Rogish Reading Writing http://mattrogish.com/blog/2012/08/16/software-effort-estimation-considered-harmful/ 86 comments
- 17 Mental Models, biases and fallacies that Software Developers should know | by Santiago Basulto | Medium https://medium.com/@santiagobasulto/17-mental-models-biases-and-fallacies-for-software-developers-42f107bfcb84 39 comments
- blog/On-Estimates.md at master · stebunovd/blog · GitHub https://github.com/stebunovd/blog/blob/master/contents/On-Estimates.md 36 comments
- We once more have no full-time managers at 37signals https://world.hey.com/dhh/we-once-more-have-no-full-time-managers-at-37signals-f8611085 16 comments
- The to-do list’s original sin. Plus, why calendars rule. | by Rob Estreitinho | How do you work? | Medium https://medium.com/@restreitinho/the-to-do-lists-original-sin-5feec48c2e44 9 comments
- 7 Levels of test coverage | Hanami Mastery https://hanamimastery.com/episodes/24-different-levels-of-test-coverage 7 comments
- The Laws of Software Development Explain Why Creating Software Always Takes Longer Than Expected | by Ben "The Hosk" Hosking | ITNEXT https://thehosk.medium.com/the-laws-of-software-development-explain-why-creating-software-always-takes-longer-than-expected-7b4fcbe35cea?postPublishedType=initial 7 comments
- GitHub - lukasz-madon/awesome-concepts: Awesome list about all kinds of interesting topics: Laws, Principles, Mental Models, Cognitive Biases https://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-concepts 5 comments
- You got to hold the frame – Avoiding burnout or Lessons learned from six years as an independent consultant - Manuel Bernhardt https://manuel.bernhardt.io/2017/05/08/got-hold-frame-avoiding-burnout-lessons-learned-six-years-independent-consultant/ 3 comments
- Eat That Frog! Summary (February 2023) | The Art of Living https://whywhathow.xyz/book-crunch-eat-that-frog-brian-tracy/ 3 comments
- An Accountant’s review of Profit First. | by Jason Andrew | Stark Naked Numbers | Medium https://medium.com/the-crunch/an-accountants-review-of-profit-first-7f888b5d7b 2 comments
- 5 years of Gruntwork. 5 lessons learned bootstrapping a… | by Yevgeniy Brikman | Gruntwork https://blog.gruntwork.io/5-years-of-gruntwork-bf8c5ed2d367 2 comments
- [tl;dr: Books about Focus are ridiculous] | by Aron Kirschen | Medium https://medium.com/@aron.kirschen/tl-dr-books-about-focus-are-ridiculous-87dc44c3ddd5 1 comment
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