- Positions misevaluated by modern engines https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth%E2%80%93Edwards_Notation 58 comments chess
Linking pages
- Compressing chess positions for fun and profit https://www.ezzeriesa.com/index/Writing%20efa7772a3ae64a8193c7ef981ac619fc/Compressing%20chess%20positions%20for%20fun%20and%20profit%20df1fdb5364eb42fdac11eb23b25e9605.html 194 comments
- What happens when you make a move in lichess.org? https://www.davidreis.me/2024/what-happens-when-you-make-a-move-in-lichess 186 comments
- GitHub - tromp/ChessPositionRanking: Software suite for ranking chess positions and accurately estimating the number of legal chess positions https://github.com/tromp/ChessPositionRanking 123 comments
- GitHub - jhlywa/chess.js: A Javascript chess library for chess move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and check/checkmate/draw detection https://github.com/jhlywa/chess.js 50 comments
- Engineering a chess match against my brother | mbrt blog https://blog.mbrt.dev/posts/chess-eng/ 39 comments
- GitHub - Elucidation/tensorflow_chessbot: Predict chessboard FEN layouts from images using TensorFlow https://github.com/Elucidation/tensorflow_chessbot 28 comments
- Convert a physical chessboard into a digital one https://tech.bakkenbaeck.com/post/chessvision 21 comments
- GitHub - notnil/chess: chess package for go https://github.com/notnil/chess 13 comments
- The Do-Everything System: An in-depth review of Hubzilla 3.0. | by Sean Tilley | We Distribute | Medium https://medium.com/we-distribute/the-do-everything-system-an-in-depth-review-of-hubzilla-3-0-692204177d4e 8 comments
- chess package - github.com/notnil/chess - Go Packages https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/notnil/chess#section-readme 5 comments
- GitHub - ronaldsuwandi/chessterm: A Rust-powered 🦀 chess engine in a terminal https://github.com/ronaldsuwandi/chessterm 3 comments
- GitHub - GeertBosch/chessfun: When computers and chess cross paths, and especially when dabbling in chess programming, one common need is printing a chess position to the screen. Make this easier and better. https://github.com/GeertBosch/chessfun 1 comment
- GitHub - DOBRO/binbo: Chess representation written in Erlang using Bitboards, ready for use on game servers https://github.com/DOBRO/binbo 0 comments
- The serverless gambit: Building ChessMsgs.com on Cloud Run | Google Cloud Blog https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/serverless-gambit-building-chessmsgscom-cloud-run 0 comments
- ostinato: a chess engine written in Scala that runs in the Browser, Docker and the REPL – Mariano Gappa's Blog http://marianogappa.github.io/software/2017/03/24/ostinato-a-chess-engine-written-in-scala-that-runs-on-the-browser-docker-and-the-repl/ 0 comments
- GitHub - hkirat/awesome-chess: Chess! https://github.com/hkirat/awesome-chess 0 comments
- ChessPositionRanking/README.md at main · tromp/ChessPositionRanking · GitHub https://github.com/tromp/ChessPositionRanking/blob/main/README.md 0 comments
- GitHub - pleco-rs/Pleco: A Rust-based re-write of the Stockfish Chess Engine https://github.com/sfleischman105/Pleco 0 comments
- GitHub - ArnoVanLumig/chesshs: Haskell library for evaluating whether chess moves are allowed on a given position https://github.com/ArnoVanLumig/chesshs 0 comments
- chess-fen2img - npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/chess-fen2img 0 comments
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