- Charles De Gaulle refused to allow any British participation in the victory parade in Paris, A number of French troops retuned their medals in protest after De Gaulle made even the British nurses and collaborators of the Free French resistance go back to Britain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/charles_de_gaulle#victory_in_europe 599 comments europe
- TIL that in 1943, De Gaulle survived an assassination attempt on British soil, MI6 apprehended no one and blamed german intelligence but De Gaulle blamed western allies for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/charles_de_gaulle#plane_sabotage 185 comments europe
- TIL that the French general, de Gaulle, wrote a book in the 1930s that advocated a professional military built around mobile armour and manoeuvre warfare. It was unpopular in France but sold thousands in Germany, even being read by Hitler. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/charles_de_gaulle#between_the_wars 14 comments europe
Linking pages
- French PM triggers political crisis by forcing budget through parliament https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20241202-french-pm-triggers-political-crisis-by-forcing-budget-through-parliament 32 comments
- Operation Gladio: How We Terrorize Ourselves – VT Archives | Alternative Foreign Policy Media http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/11/14/gordon-duff-gladio-how-we-terrorize-ourselves/ 3 comments
- 5 Famous Historical Misconceptions to Impress Your Friends With in an Annoying Fashion https://jjpryor.substack.com/p/5-famous-historical-misconceptions 0 comments
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