- Things I learned in University that I ACTUALLY used on the job https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search 7 comments learnprogramming
Linking pages
- F*** You, I Quit — Hiring Is Broken | by Sahat Yalkabov | Medium https://medium.com/@evnowandforever/f-you-i-quit-hiring-is-broken-bb8f3a48d324#.2hi5s1kd9 2352 comments
- My toy renderer, part 1: Keep it simple https://momentsingraphics.de/ToyRenderer1KeepItSimple.html 250 comments
- Strange loop simulation – Why there is something rather than nothing – Lee Vermeulen http://www.3delement.com/?p=445 169 comments
- The integrated timetable of Switzerland - Jokteur https://www.jokteur.com/a/integrated-timetable-switzerland/ 158 comments
- How to learn things at 1000x the speed https://pranay.gp/how-to-learn-things-at-1000x-the-speed 97 comments
- GitHub - betty200744/ultimate-go: This repo contains my notes on working with Go and computer systems. https://github.com/betty200744/ultimate-go 82 comments
- GitHub - ibaaj/dijkstra-cartography: Using Dijkstra's algorithm ("finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph") to draw maps . https://github.com/ibaaj/dijkstra-cartography 66 comments
- GitHub - tavianator/bfs: A breadth-first version of the UNIX find command https://github.com/tavianator/bfs/blob/master/readme.md 54 comments
- Recursive Postgres Queries - Timothy's Blog http://blog.timothyandrew.net/blog/2013/06/24/recursive-postgres-queries/ 44 comments
- https://www.freedomlayer.org/offset/option-iterator/ 36 comments
- GitHub - Erdos-Graph-Framework/Erdos: Modular and modern graph-theory algorithms framework in Java https://github.com/erdos-graph-framework/erdos 34 comments
- GitHub - yujiosaka/headless-chrome-crawler: Distributed crawler powered by Headless Chrome https://github.com/yujiosaka/headless-chrome-crawler 33 comments
- GitHub - dmaydan/Maze_Solver_Generator: Solve and generate mazes in JS https://github.com/dmaydan/Maze_Solver_Generator 30 comments
- GitHub - TheAlgorithms/Go: Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Go for beginners, following best practices. https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Go 16 comments
- Breadth-first search using Go standard library - Cybernetist https://cybernetist.com/2019/03/09/breadth-first-search-using-go-standard-library/ 16 comments
- You're in a space of twisty little mazes, all alike :: Strangely Consistent http://strangelyconsistent.org/blog/youre-in-a-space-of-twisty-little-mazes-all-alike 16 comments
- Performant database tree traversal with Rails https://planetscale.com/blog/performant-database-tree-traversal-with-rails 16 comments
- How a kids’ novel inspired me to simulate a gene drive on 86 million genealogy profiles | Worth Doing Badly https://worthdoingbadly.com/familytree/ 16 comments
- Link Bait: Mapping the Spread of the Epic Twitter Link Chain - logan computes. http://loganhasson.github.io/blog/2014/02/13/link-bait-mapping-the-spread-of-the-epic-twitter-link-chain/ 12 comments
- How DFS, poker, basketball, Starcraft and strong opinions, weakly held (SOWH) can help your startup | Run Startup Code David Tran’s Blog https://www.davidtran.me/strong-opinions-weakly-held/ 12 comments
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