- Broken setup after system upgrade https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman#Pacman_crashes_during_an_upgrade 9 comments archlinux
- How do you fix the "Failed to commit transaction" error: manually or via mass-file renaming? https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman#%22Failed_to_commit_transaction_(conflicting_files)%22_error 2 comments archlinux
- System has no sound [pulseaudio] and I'm unable to install pavucontrol https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman#.22Failed_to_commit_transaction_.28conflicting_files.29.22_error 4 comments archlinux
- [HELP]System crash during full system upgrade https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman#Pacman_crashes_during_an_upgrade 8 comments archlinux
- Understanding pacman: database vs repository vs mirror https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman#Repositories_and_mirrors 11 comments archlinux
- Pacman not able to connect to servers after -Syyu https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/pacman#Manually_reinstalling_pacman 12 comments archlinux
Linking pages
- GitHub - casey/just: 🤖 Just a command runner https://github.com/casey/just 272 comments
- GitHub - wader/fq: jq for binary formats - tool, language and decoders for working with binary and text formats https://github.com/wader/fq 247 comments
- GitHub - mgunyho/tere: Terminal file explorer https://github.com/mgunyho/tere 198 comments
- GitHub - GyulyVGC/sniffnet: Application to comfortably monitor your network traffic https://github.com/GyulyVGC/sniffnet 179 comments
- GitHub - wagoodman/dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image https://github.com/wagoodman/dive 125 comments
- GitHub - CuBeRJAN/astOS: An immutable Arch based GNU+Linux distribution utilizing BTRFS snapshots https://github.com/CuBeRJAN/astOS 85 comments
- GitHub - orhun/daktilo: Turn your keyboard into a typewriter! 📇 https://github.com/orhun/daktilo 81 comments
- GitHub - achristmascarl/rainfrog: 🐸 a database management tui for postgres https://github.com/achristmascarl/rainfrog 70 comments
- GitHub - crate-ci/typos: Source code spell checker https://github.com/crate-ci/typos 29 comments
- GitHub - bvaisvil/zenith: Zenith - sort of like top or htop but with zoom-able charts, CPU, GPU, network, and disk usage https://github.com/bvaisvil/zenith 20 comments
- GitHub - app-fast/app-fast: Evil parallel package downloader https://github.com/joeky888/app-fast 17 comments
- GitHub - kdeldycke/meta-package-manager: 🎁 wraps all package managers with a unifying CLI https://github.com/kdeldycke/meta-package-manager 17 comments
- GitHub - orhun/systeroid: A more powerful alternative to sysctl(8) with a terminal user interface 🐧 https://github.com/orhun/systeroid 16 comments
- GitHub - nroi/flexo: a central pacman cache https://github.com/nroi/flexo 14 comments
- GitHub - Netflix/bpftop: bpftop provides a dynamic real-time view of running eBPF programs. It displays the average runtime, events per second, and estimated total CPU % for each program. https://github.com/Netflix/bpftop 14 comments
- GitHub - shshemi/tabiew: A lightweight, terminal-based application to view and query delimiter separated value formatted documents, such as CSV or TSV files. https://github.com/shshemi/tabiew 12 comments
- How to Ignore Kernel Upgrades on Arch Linux - Cyrus Yip's Blog https://cyrusyip.org/en/post/2022/06/30/ignore-kernel-upgrades-on-arch/ 11 comments
- GitHub - project-repo/cagebreak: Cagebreak: A Wayland Tiling Compositor Inspired by Ratpoison https://github.com/project-repo/cagebreak 11 comments
- GitHub - sharkdp/binocle: a graphical tool to visualize binary data https://github.com/sharkdp/binocle 10 comments
- GitHub - bbedward/pac-pacman-aliases: Apt like wrapper for pacman, pactree, yay, and paru with Glob searching. https://github.com/bbedward/pac-pacman-aliases 10 comments
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