Hacker News
- Iceland, a land of Vikings, braces for a Pirate Party takeover https://www.washingtonpost.com/pwa/#https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/iceland-a-land-of-vikings-braces-for-a-pirate-party-takeover/2016/10/23/f1bfe992-9540-11e6-9cae-2a3574e296a6_story.html 139 comments
- Conservative voters in the US, Europe and Australia value "good looks" more than their liberal counterparts and vote accordingly. https://www.washingtonpost.com/pwa/?utm_term=.1bcdad3108fb#https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/01/10/conservatives-really-are-better-looking-research-says/ 20 comments science
- Washington Post's new mobile web app https://www.washingtonpost.com/pwa/ 6 comments javascript
Linking pages
- Gallup: Trust in Obama's world leadership was more than twice what it is in Trump's http://shareblue.com/gallup-trust-in-obamas-world-leadership-was-more-than-twice-what-it-is-in-trumps/ 36 comments
- Bloated HTML, the best and the worse | by Frederic Filloux | Monday Note https://mondaynote.com/bloated-html-the-best-and-the-worse-cac6eb06496d 6 comments
- The surprising tradeoff at the center of the question whether to build a Native or Web App | by Owen Campbell-Moore | Medium https://medium.com/@owencm/the-surprising-tradeoff-at-the-center-of-question-whether-to-build-an-native-or-web-app-d2ad00c40fb2 0 comments
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