- Taking Trump’s “Mexico will pay for the wall” claim seriously https://www.vox.com/polyarchy/2018/1/29/16937762/trump-mexico-wall-honesty 4 comments politics
- Taking Trump’s “Mexico will pay for the wall” claim seriously https://www.vox.com/polyarchy/2018/1/29/16937762/trump-mexico-wall-honesty 3 comments politics
Linked pages
- Most Americans don’t want the wall, don’t think Mexico will pay for it and don’t believe it will happen - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/08/25/most-americans-dont-want-the-wall-dont-think-mexico-will-pay-for-it-and-dont-believe-it-will-happen/ 397 comments
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