- European Parliament VoteWatch http://www.votewatch.eu/ 3 comments europe
- Sito con numerose statistiche sui membri del Parlamento Europeo: tra queste, cosa hanno votato, partecipazione e discorsi - c'è anche Iva Zanicchi (!) [x-post da r/europe] http://www.votewatch.eu/ 9 comments italy
- This site allows us to see many statistics about our European Parliament Members, including what they voted, how many times they took part in parliamentary discussions and even what they said in their speeches http://www.votewatch.eu 11 comments europe
Linking pages
- Sverige vill ändra sin röst om ”Artikel 13” – här är sätten det kan fälla direktivet https://emanuelkarlsten.se/04/sverige-vill-andra-sin-rost-om-artikel-13-har-ar-satten-det-kan-falla-direktivet/ 195 comments
- Ukip is Europe's laziest party, researchers reveal | European Union | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/world/datablog/2015/jun/11/ukip-europe-laziest-party-parliament 18 comments
- What future for Italian political parties? Comparison of voting behaviour in the European and Italian Parliament | by Elif Lab | Medium https://medium.com/@eliflab/what-future-for-italian-political-parties-2e1f5ea1f6ac 9 comments
- UK influence in Europe series: The policy successes (and failures) of British MEPs | EUROPP http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2016/01/12/uk-influence-in-europe-series-the-policy-successes-and-failures-of-british-meps/ 6 comments