Hacker News
- Why is Rust difficult? https://vorner.github.io/difficult.html 267 comments programming
- Why is Rust difficult? https://vorner.github.io/difficult.html 98 comments rust
Linking pages
- Should C Programmers learn C++, Go or Rust? - Bert Hubert's writings https://ds9a.nl/articles/posts/cpp-rust-go/ 375 comments
- This Week in Rust 218 · This Week in Rust https://this-week-in-rust.org/blog/2018/01/23/this-week-in-rust-218/ 17 comments
- An offensive Rust encore - hn security https://security.humanativaspa.it/an-offensive-rust-encore/ 10 comments
- How to combat JavaScript fatigue with Rust - DEV Community https://dev.to/gruberb/how-to-combat-javascript-fatigue-with-rust-2o5l 9 comments
- Rust: First Thoughts - DEV Community https://dev.to/mapoulos/rust-first-thoughts-7l0 5 comments
- Why you should code in Rust in 2021 https://www.heapstack.sh/why-you-should-code-in-rust-in-2021 1 comment
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