- The Fallen of World War II (2015) - visualization and data of WWII [00:18:14] https://vimeo.com/128373915 4 comments documentaries
- The Fallen of World War II - I watch this once every few years and still get chills at how beautiful the data is presented. https://vimeo.com/128373915 24 comments dataisbeautiful
- The Fallen of World War II https://vimeo.com/128373915 46 comments history
- Loss of life visualized from WW2. https://vimeo.com/128373915 312 comments europe
- [Visualization, crosspost from /r/dataisbeautiful] The Fallen of World War II https://vimeo.com/128373915 21 comments russia
Linking pages
- Time for America to get over its WWII nostalgia | The Week https://theweek.com/articles/748121/time-america-over-wwii-nostalgia 30 comments
- 6 signs to tell if a story is manipulative (on refugee crisis) | by Radu Marian | Medium https://medium.com/@radumarian/refugee-crisis-6-signs-that-can-expose-manipulative-online-articles-a57d2a4b28d0 5 comments
- WHAT CHARTS MEAN. You probably don’t notice data… | by Elijah Meeks | Nightingale | Medium https://medium.com/@Elijah_Meeks/what-charts-mean-a4f790bb3c89 0 comments
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