- Intel wants to ship millions of Arc GPUs to PC gamers every year https://videocardz.com/newz/intel-wants-to-ship-millions-of-arc-gpus-to-pc-gamers-every-year 196 comments hardware
- Intel wants to ship millions of Arc GPUs to PC gamers every year - VideoCardz.com https://videocardz.com/newz/intel-wants-to-ship-millions-of-arc-gpus-to-pc-gamers-every-year 83 comments intel
Linked pages
- GPU prices are finally beginning to decline - VideoCardz.com https://videocardz.com/newz/gpu-prices-are-finally-begining-to-decline 805 comments
- An open letter to Intel: Help, you're our only way out of the GPU crisis | PC Gamer https://www.pcgamer.com/help-us-pat-gelsinger-youre-our-only-hope/ 0 comments
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