Hacker News
- Free, non-self-hosted website comment system powered by GitHub Issues https://utteranc.es 3 comments
- Utterances – a lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues https://utteranc.es 32 comments
- Utterances: Lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues https://utteranc.es/ 56 comments
Linking pages
- C++ Initialization Story in Print - C++ Stories https://www.cppstories.com/2023/init-story-print/ 367 comments
- GitHub - ripienaar/free-for-dev: A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev https://github.com/ripienaar/free-for-dev 81 comments
- GuardDuty - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Chandrapal Badshah https://badshah.io/guardduty-good-bad-ugly/ 56 comments
- Piper: A proposal for a graphy pipe-based build system https://mattsanetra.uk/blog/graph-build-proposal/ 56 comments
- Various ways to include comments on your static site https://darekkay.com/blog/static-site-comments/ 47 comments
- How I migrated my website from Sapper to SvelteKit • Kudadam https://www.kudadam.com/blog/redesign-with-sveltekit 42 comments
- Einsum for Tensor Manipulation - SWE to ML Engineer https://swe-to-mle.pages.dev/posts/einsum-for-tensor-manipulation/ 39 comments
- The Risk You Can't Afford to Ignore: AWS SES and Email Spoofing - Chandrapal Badshah https://badshah.io/aws-ses-and-email-spoofing/ 33 comments
- Using Ansible dynamic AWS EC2 inventory with encrypted credentials in vault https://selivan.github.io/2018/01/31/ansible-dynamic-inventory-ec2-keys-in-vault.html 25 comments
- Using Ansible with bastion host https://selivan.github.io/2018/01/29/ansible-ssh-bastion-host.html 20 comments
- OS as Code - My Experience of NixOS - This Cute World https://thiscute.world/en/posts/my-experience-of-nixos/ 17 comments
- Using GitHub Issues for Blog Comments https://danyow.net/using-github-issues-for-blog-comments/ 12 comments
- My Love/Hate Relationship with Cloud Custodian - Chandrapal Badshah https://badshah.io/my-love-hate-relationship-with-cloud-custodian/ 10 comments
- Using Rust and the GitHub CI for my blog https://blog.kerollmops.com/using-rust-and-the-github-ci-for-my-blog 9 comments
- Things I wish I knew about AWS WAF - Bot Control - Chandrapal Badshah https://badshah.io/things-i-wish-i-knew-aws-waf-bot-control/ 7 comments
- What should you use - CloudQuery or Steampipe? - Chandrapal Badshah https://badshah.io/cloudquery-vs-steampipe/ 6 comments
- Ansible: multi-line shell script inside playbook https://selivan.github.io/2018/01/01/ansible-multiline-shell-script.html 5 comments
- Auto-mount sshfs protected by password with tcl expect https://selivan.github.io/2019/11/05/sshfs-password-auto-mount-with-tcl-expect.html 5 comments
- Fine Tuning T5 Transformer Model with PyTorch - Shivanand Roy, Data Scientist https://shivanandroy.com/fine-tune-t5-transformer-with-pytorch/ 5 comments
- Persistent ipset for Ubuntu/Debian compatible with ufw and iptables-persistent https://selivan.github.io/2018/07/27/ipset-save-with-ufw-and-iptables-persistent-and.html 4 comments