- Gun violence not linked to mental illness. Someone with access to a firearm being 18.15 times more likely to threaten someone with one, but individuals with "high hostility" were 3.51 times more likely to issue such a threat https://www.upi.com/health_news/2019/02/06/gun-violence-not-linked-to-mental-illness-researchers-say/3321549478247/ 56 comments science
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- Many older adults keep guns loaded, unlocked at home, survey says - UPI.com https://www.upi.com/health_news/2019/04/15/many-older-adults-keep-guns-loaded-unlocked-at-home-survey-says/4561555362811/?upi_ss=guns 93 comments
- Marianne Williamson and disability rights activists. https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/08/marianne-williamson-disability-rights-2020.html 8 comments
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