Hacker News
- The next time Wikipedia asks for a donation, ignore it (2022) https://unherd.com/newsroom/the-next-time-wikipedia-asks-for-a-donation-ignore-it/ 19 comments
Linked pages
- 🏖 on Twitter: "If you use Wikipedia, you've seen pop-ups like this. If you're like me, you may have donated as a result. Wikipedia is an amazing website, and the appeals seem heartfelt. But I've now learnt the money isn't going where I thought... https://t.co/c81e9MhBjW" / Twitter https://twitter.com/echetus/status/1579776106034757633 44 comments
- Wikipedia co-founder: I no longer trust the website I created - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0P4Cf0UCwU 41 comments
- Wikipedia has a ton of money. So why is it begging you to donate yours? - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2015/12/02/wikipedia-has-a-ton-of-money-so-why-is-it-begging-you-to-donate-yours/ 21 comments
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