- Moscow's theft of Kyiv's legacy is the major reason for the current war. Ukraine's Total Recall https://u-krane.com/ukraines-total-recall/ 3 comments europe
- Moscow's theft of Kyiv's legacy is the major reason for the current war. Ukraine's Total Recall https://u-krane.com/ukraines-total-recall/ 40 comments europe
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- After the Warsaw Uprising in November of 1830, Moscow declared that the Poles form one nation with Russians, the Russian language substituted Polish in tribunals, the University of Warsaw was closed and its valuable collections of books, manuscripts, and medals were carried off to Petersburg - u-krane.com https://u-krane.com/after-warsaw-uprising-of-1830-moscow-declared-that-the-poles-form-one-nation-with-russians-russian-language-substituted-polish-in-tribunals-university-of-warsaw-was-closed-and-its-valuable-collecti/ 169 comments
- Peter I was known as Tzar of Moscovy until he captured the heartland of Rus - Kyiv - U-Krane https://u-krane.com/peter-i-was-known-as-tzar-of-moscovy-untill-he-captured-the-heartland-of-rus-kyiv/ 22 comments
- Early Ukraine as part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Heirs of Kyiv Rus - u-krane.com https://u-krane.com/early-ukraine-as-part-of-polish-lithuanian-commonwealth-quotes-from-a-yale-professors-book/ 3 comments
- John Steinbeck depicts Ukrainians and their difference from Russians - u-krane.com https://u-krane.com/john-steinbeck-depicts-ukrainians-and-their-difference-from-russians/ 2 comments
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- William of Rubruck - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_of_Rubruck 13 comments
- Early Ukraine as part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Heirs of Kyiv Rus - u-krane.com https://u-krane.com/early-ukraine-as-part-of-polish-lithuanian-commonwealth-quotes-from-a-yale-professors-book/ 3 comments
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