- 'Ukraine or the Cossacks Land' map of 1720 had Kursk and Belgorod areas included in it https://u-krane.com/ukraine-or-the-cossacks-land-map-of-1720/ 7 comments europe
- Putin keeps claiming there was no Ukraine until Lenin, but here is the German map ‘Ukraine or the Cossacks' Land’ of 1720 https://u-krane.com/ukraine-or-the-cossacks-land-map-of-1720/ 114 comments europe
- Putin keeps claiming there was no Ukraine until Lenin, but here is a German map ‘Ukraine or the Cossacks' Land’ of 1720 https://u-krane.com/ukraine-or-the-cossacks-land-map-of-1720/ 141 comments europe
- 'Ukraine or the Cossacks Land' map of 1720 https://u-krane.com/ukraine-or-the-cossacks-land-map-of-1720/ 2 comments europe
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