- The biggest tank battle of all time took place in Ukraine on June 23, 1941. It swallowed 2,648 Soviet tanks out of a total force of 5,000 versus some 1,000 German tanks https://u-krane.com/the-biggest-tank-battle-of-all-time-took-place-in-ukraine-on-june-23-1941-it-swallowed-2648-soviet-tanks-out-of-a-total-force-of-5000-versus-some-1000-german-tanks/ 14 comments europe
- The biggest tank battle of all time took place in Ukraine on June 23, 1941. It swallowed 2,648 Soviet tanks out of a total force of 5,000 versus some 1,000 German tanks https://u-krane.com/the-biggest-tank-battle-of-all-time-took-place-in-ukraine-on-june-23-1941-it-swallowed-2648-soviet-tanks-out-of-a-total-force-of-5000-versus-some-1000-german-tanks/ 39 comments europe
Linking pages
Linked pages
- Strongest Soviet invasion Army of WW2. What was it doing in Ukraine in 1940 – 1941 before Hitler’s attack? - u-krane.com https://u-krane.com/strongest-soviet-invasion-army-of-ww2-what-was-it-doing-in-ukraine-in-1940-1941-before-hitlers-attack/ 39 comments
- This man coined the word 'Genocide'. Here is Dr Lemkin's speech on Holodomor in Ukraine - u-krane.com https://u-krane.com/this-man-coined-the-word-genocide-here-is-dr-lemkins-speech-on-holodomor/ 7 comments