- Exchanges have recreated the banking system and shitcoins have recreated Lehman Brothers. We now have central bankers like Vitalik Buterin calling for bailouts. https://twitter.com/vitalikbuterin/status/1525562865016483841?s=21 2 comments bitcoin
Linking pages
- Buterin: Terra should protect the smallholders, not the whales https://cointelegraph.com/news/vitalik-terra-should-protect-the-smallholders-not-the-whales 155 comments
- Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin: Terra Should Prioritize Smallholders in Any Proposed Reimbursement Plan - Times Tabloid https://timestabloid.com/ethereums-vitalik-buterin-terra-should-prioritize-smallholders-in-any-proposed-reimbursement-plan/ 64 comments
- Ethereum co-founder says every ‘average smallholder’ impacted by Terra’s stablecoin crash should be made whole, cites FDIC’s $250,000 as ‘precedent’ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ethereum-co-founder-says-every-215033542.html 17 comments