- Crypto/Meme bots and pumpers reply to big accounts in huge numbers for the promotion. Deleting tweets knocks it back. Going Private allows tools to discourage them. But it’s breathtaking, this religion of real and fake people. The speculation probably tops anything in history. https://twitter.com/michaeljburry/status/1448274252092874762?s=20 10 comments btc
- Burry on Twitter: Crypto/Meme bots and pumpers reply to big accounts in huge numbers for the promotion. Deleting tweets knocks it back. Going Private allows tools to discourage them. But it’s breathtaking, this religion of real and fake people. The speculation probably tops anything in history. https://twitter.com/michaeljburry/status/1448274252092874762 4 comments cryptocurrency
Linking pages
- 'Big Short' investor Michael Burry teases a bet against crypto - and warns market speculation has reached historic levels | Business Insider India https://www.businessinsider.in/cryptocurrency/news/big-short-investor-michael-burry-teases-a-bet-against-crypto-and-warns-market-speculation-has-reached-historic-levels/articleshow/87016606.cms 32 comments
- 'Big Short' Michael Burry Teases Bet Against Crypto, Issues Warning https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/big-short-michael-burry-crypto-bet-meme-stocks-speculation-warning-2021-10 25 comments