Hacker News
- What happens when you launch Google Chrome for the first time? https://twitter.com/jonathansampson/status/1165493206441779200 320 comments
- What happens when you launch Google Chrome for the first time? https://twitter.com/jonathansampson/status/1165493206441779200 56 comments programming
- What happens when you launch Google Chrome for the first time on a Windows 10 machine? https://twitter.com/jonathansampson/status/1165493206441779200 15 comments chrome
Linking pages
- Edge Insider makes 130+ network requests on first launch - OnMSFT.com https://www.onmsft.com/news/edge-insider-makes-130-network-requests-on-first-launch 7 comments
- Web Developer Monthly 💻🚀 August 2019 | by Andrei Neagoie | Zero To Mastery | Medium https://medium.com/zerotomastery/web-developer-monthly-august-2019-a0e115c63f76 0 comments