- Server (and Client) Actions are now in React Canary! https://twitter.com/reactjs/status/1716573234160967762 5 comments reactjs
Linking pages
- This Week In React #164: so back! 30k, Next.js, Remix, Taint API, Activity, RSCs, React-Forget, Docusaurus, MDX, Storybook, Expo Orbit, Ignite, Victory XL, Reanimated, TypeScript... | This Week In React https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/164 5 comments
- React Server Components, without a framework? https://timtech.blog/posts/react-server-components-rsc-no-framework/ 4 comments
- Recap of Next.js 14 Announcement and 2023 Conference Highlights | FocusReactive - Next.js, Headless CMS and eCommerce expert agency https://focusreactive.com/recap-of-next-js-14-announcement-and-2023-conference-highlights/ 1 comment
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