Hacker News
- Chrome 69 will keep Google Cookies when you tell it to delete all cookies https://twitter.com/ctavan/status/1044282084020441088 810 comments
- Chrome 69 will keep Google Cookies when you tell it to delete all cookies https://twitter.com/ctavan/status/1044282084020441088 54 comments firefox
- Chrome 69 will keep Google Cookies when you tell it to delete all cookies https://twitter.com/ctavan/status/1044282084020441088 200 comments linux
- Chrome 69 - Clear all cookies doesn't delete Google cookies https://twitter.com/ctavan/status/1044282084020441088 371 comments programming
- Chrome 69 will keep Google Cookies when you tell it to delete all cookies https://twitter.com/ctavan/status/1044282084020441088 168 comments privacy
- Chrome 69 will keep Google Cookies when you tell it to delete all cookies https://twitter.com/ctavan/status/1044282084020441088 33 comments chrome
Linking pages
- Browsers and conflicts of interests https://arp242.net/weblog/browsers-conflict-interest.html 44 comments
- For Google, you're neither the consumer nor the product. You're a data point. - Rakhim.org https://rakhim.org/2018/09/you-are-a-data-point/ 0 comments
- Here's How To Opt Out Of Tracking On Facebook And Google https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicolenguyen/opt-out-of-tracking-on-facebook-and-google 0 comments
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