- [Bickel] Hearing from several different people over last few days that Alex Smith is having devastating complications from his broken leg surgery battling infection. Supposedly he's had multiple surgeries to try to combat infection. Chances of him playing again in real jeaopardy. https://twitter.com/ebjunkies/status/1070697968892895232?s=21 5 comments nfl
- [Bickel] Hearing from several different people over last few days that Alex Smith is having devastating complications from his broken leg surgery battling infection. Supposedly he's had multiple surgeries to try to combat infection. Chances of him playing again in real jeaopardy. https://twitter.com/ebjunkies/status/1070697968892895232 45 comments nfl
Linking pages
- Alex Smith Reportedly Battling Infection After Surgery on Broken Leg | News, Scores, Highlights, Stats, and Rumors | Bleacher Report https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2809529-alex-smith-reportedly-battling-infection-after-surgery-on-broken-leg?amp%3Butm_campaign=editorial&%3Butm_medium=referral 4 comments
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