Hacker News
- Twitter bans anon_operation Visa Attackers (WikiLeak supporters) http://twitter.com/anon_operation 2 comments
- @Anon_Operation shut down! Wait for Twitter to be DDOSed; which shouldn't be hard, right? http://twitter.com/#!/Anon_Operation 106 comments reddit.com
- Anon_Operation account suspended. Well I guess Twitter is in the business of censorship after all. https://twitter.com/#!/anon_operation/ 5 comments politics
- @Anon_Operation suspended by twitter http://twitter.com/anon_operation 3 comments worldnews
- Anonymous's twitter account suspended http://twitter.com/anon_operation 3 comments technology
- Twitter shuts down Anon_Operations Twitter. http://twitter.com/#!/anon_operation 13 comments politics
- Twitter (Mastercard & Visa) #Payback DDOS Account Suspended http://twitter.com/anon_operation/ 4 comments reddit.com
- Shit just got real - Anonymous has just published thousands of supposedly valid Mastercard account numbers w/ the expiration dates. http://twitter.com/#!/anon_operation 10 comments reddit.com
- Dear pro-Wikileaks community. Show some maturity - we're better than this. http://twitter.com/anon_operation# 4 comments reddit.com
Linking pages
- WikiLeaks cables: Shell, Operation Payback and Assange for the Nobel prize - as it happened | World news | The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/blog/2010/dec/09/wikileaks-us-embassy-cables-live-updates 7 comments
- Hackers Take Down Visa.com in the Name of WikiLeaks | Mashable http://mashable.com/2010/12/08/hackers-take-down-visa-com-in-the-name-of-wikileaks/ 0 comments