- [Rosenhaus] Brown ‘hopes to play for another team soon’ https://twitter.com/RosenhausSports/status/1175150350095048705?s=20 28 comments nfl
- [Drew Rosenhaus] It's unfortunate things didn't work out with the Patriots. But Antonio is healthy and is looking forward to his next opportunity in the NFL. He wants to play the game he loves and he hopes to play for another team soon. https://twitter.com/RosenhausSports/status/1175150350095048705 24 comments nfl
- [Rosenhaus] It's unfortunate things didn't work out with the Patriots. But Antonio is healthy and is looking forward to his next opportunity in the NFL. He wants to play the game he loves and he hopes to play for another team soon. https://twitter.com/rosenhaussports/status/1175150350095048705?s=21 44 comments nfl
- [Rosenhaus] It's unfortunate things didn't work out with the Patriots. But Antonio is healthy and is looking forward to his next opportunity in the NFL. He wants to play the game he loves and he hopes to play for another team soon. https://mobile.twitter.com/rosenhaussports/status/1175150350095048705 22 comments nfl
- [Drew Rosenhaus] It's unfortunate things didn't work out with the Patriots. But Antonio is healthy and is looking forward to his next opportunity in the NFL. He wants to play the game he loves and he hopes to play for another team soon https://twitter.com/RosenhausSports/status/1175150350095048705 22 comments nfl
- [Drew Rosenhaus] It's unfortunate things didn't work out with the Patriots. But Antonio is healthy and is looking forward to his next opportunity in the NFL. He wants to play the game he loves and he hopes to play for another team soon. https://twitter.com/RosenhausSports/status/1175150350095048705?s=19 26 comments nfl
Linking pages
- Antonio Brown released by New England Patriots amid NFL investigation - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/09/20/nfls-antonio-brown-investigation-will-reportedly-include-intimidating-texts-an-accuser/ 11 comments
- Antonio Brown Cut By The New England Patriots - CBS Pittsburgh https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2019/09/20/antonio-brown-cut-by-the-new-england-patriots/ 6 comments
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