- DuckDuckGo on Twitter: To our users in India: We’ve received many reports our search engine is unreachable by much of India right now and have confirmed it is not due to us. We're actively talking to Internet providers to get to the bottom of it ASAP. Thank you for your patience. https://twitter.com/DuckDuckGo/status/1278288303532302336 210 comments india
Linking pages
- DuckDuckGo down in India: Private browser mysteriously stops working | The Independent | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/duckduckgo-down-india-not-working-loading-browser-search-engine-a9595651.html 113 comments
- DuckDuckGo Unreachable For Some Users in India, Apparently Blocked by ISPs https://browsernative.com/duckduckgo-unreachable-india-5101/ 0 comments