Hacker News
- Spoutible's Leaky API Spurted Out a Deluge of Personal Data https://www.troyhunt.com/how-spoutibles-leaky-api-spurted-out-a-deluge-of-personal-data/ 8 comments
- How Spoutible’s Leaky API Spurted out a Deluge of Personal Data https://www.troyhunt.com/how-spoutibles-leaky-api-spurted-out-a-deluge-of-personal-data/ 2 comments security
- Troy Hunt: How Spoutible’s Leaky API Spurted out a Deluge of Personal Data https://www.troyhunt.com/how-spoutibles-leaky-api-spurted-out-a-deluge-of-personal-data/ 7 comments netsec
Linking pages
- Twitter’s succession: all the news about alternative social media platforms - Page 4 - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/23686584/twitter-alternative-social-media-platforms-mastodon-bluesky-activitypub-protocol/archives/4 18 comments
- Twitter rival Spoutible alleges smear campaign amid security breach controversy | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2024/02/12/twitter-alternative-spoutible-clashes-with-critics-over-security-breach/ 3 comments
- Twitter alternative Spoutible spouts a massive leak - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/5/24061997/twitter-alternative-spoutible-vulnerabilty 1 comment
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