Hacker News
- Any new plugins planning to use tree-sitter? http://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/ 4 comments vim
Linking pages
- Helix https://helix-editor.com/ 685 comments
- Emacs 29 is nigh! What can we expect? // Phundrak’s rambling https://blog.phundrak.com/emacs-29-what-can-we-expect/ 340 comments
- Emacs 29.1 Released | Emacs Redux https://emacsredux.com/blog/2023/07/30/emacs-29-1-released/ 315 comments
- We Have to Start Over: From Atom to Zed https://zed.dev/blog/we-have-to-start-over 234 comments
- GitHub - zee-editor/zee: A modern text editor for the terminal written in Rust https://github.com/mcobzarenco/zee 135 comments
- Difftastic, the Fantastic Diff – Wilfred Hughes::Blog https://www.wilfred.me.uk/blog/2022/09/06/difftastic-the-fantastic-diff/ 133 comments
- Let's Write a Tree-Sitter Major Mode - Mastering Emacs https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/lets-write-a-treesitter-major-mode 109 comments
- How We Migrated Our Static Analyzer From Java to Rust | Datadog https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/engineering/how-we-migrated-our-static-analyzer-from-java-to-rust/ 85 comments
- GitHub - SilasMarvin/lsp-ai: LSP-AI is an open-source language server that serves as a backend for AI-powered functionality, designed to assist and empower software engineers, not replace them. https://github.com/SilasMarvin/lsp-ai/ 83 comments
- GitHub - afnanenayet/diffsitter: A tree-sitter based AST difftool to get meaningful semantic diffs https://github.com/afnanenayet/diffsitter 69 comments
- GitHub - Cicada-Software/cicada: A FOSS, cross-platform version of GitHub Actions and Gitlab CI https://github.com/Cicada-Software/cicada 68 comments
- RFC: Emacs tree-sitter integration https://archive.casouri.cat/note/2021/emacs-tree-sitter/index.html 67 comments
- Say Goodbye to Your IDE: Meet LazyVim https://catalins.tech/lazyvim/ 64 comments
- Zed - Code at the speed of thought https://zed.dev/blog/zed-decoded-rope-sumtree 61 comments
- GitHub - BloopAI/bloop: bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust. https://github.com/BloopAI/bloop 60 comments
- Jason Williams - Speeding up VSCode (extensions) in 2022 https://jason-williams.co.uk/speeding-up-vscode-extensions-in-2022 59 comments
- GitHub - MDeiml/tree-sitter-markdown: A markdown grammar for tree-sitter https://github.com/MDeiml/tree-sitter-markdown 53 comments
- GitHub - p3r7/awesome-elisp: 🏵️ A curated list of Emacs Lisp development resources https://github.com/p3r7/awesome-elisp 40 comments
- Modern Emacs Typescript Web (React) Config with lsp-mode, treesitter, tailwind, TSX & more - Ovi Stoica https://www.ovistoica.com/blog/2024-7-05-modern-emacs-typescript-web-tsx-config 38 comments
- Moving to modern Neovim https://toroid.org/modern-neovim 33 comments
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