Hacker News
- 10 Most Common Rails Mistakes http://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails/top-10-mistakes-that-rails-programmers-make 27 comments
- 10 Most Common Rails Programming Mistakes http://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails/top-10-mistakes-that-rails-programmers-make 13 comments rails
- 10 Most Common Rails Mistakes http://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails/top-10-mistakes-that-rails-programmers-make 6 comments ruby
- Top 10 mistakes that Ruby on Rails programmers make http://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails/top-10-mistakes-that-rails-programmers-make 90 comments programming
Linking pages
- Why Use Ruby on Rails? A Senior Dev Explains the Benefits | Toptal http://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails/after-two-decades-of-programming-i-use-rails 48 comments
- A Guide to Rails Engines and Design Patterns with Examples | Toptal http://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails/rails-engines-in-the-wild-real-world-examples-of-rails-engines-in-action 10 comments
- An Outline to Learning To Code in 1 Year | by Javier Noris | Medium https://medium.com/@javier_noris/an-outline-to-learning-to-code-in-1-year-572a1a78fa62#.9esj780hj 0 comments
Linked pages
- Git https://git-scm.com/ 252 comments
- Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. https://rubyonrails.org/ 237 comments
- RubyGems.org | your community gem host https://rubygems.org/ 115 comments
- Model–view–controller - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller#Components 96 comments
- Ruby Programming Language https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ 58 comments
- Why Use Ruby on Rails? A Senior Dev Explains the Benefits | Toptal http://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails/after-two-decades-of-programming-i-use-rails 48 comments
- Don't repeat yourself - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_repeat_yourself#DRY_vs_WET_solutions 39 comments
- Disqus – The #1 way to build your audience https://disqus.com 32 comments
- The 10 Most Common JavaScript Issues Developers Face | Toptal® http://www.toptal.com/javascript/10-most-common-javascript-mistakes 26 comments
- GitHub - railsadminteam/rails_admin: RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin 25 comments
- Sidekiq https://sidekiq.org 20 comments
- New Relic | Monitor, Debug and Improve Your Entire Stack http://www.newrelic.com/ 11 comments
- 11 Best Freelance Ruby on Rails Developers [Hire in 48 Hours] | Toptal® http://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails#hiring-guide 9 comments
- https://relishapp.com/rspec 7 comments
- BDD vs TDD: A Behavior-Driven Development Example | Toptal® http://www.toptal.com/freelance/your-boss-won-t-appreciate-tdd-try-bdd 5 comments
- Error Tracking & Application Monitoring for Developers - Honeybadger https://honeybadger.io 4 comments
- Software Engineering Blog & Programming Tutorials | Toptal® https://www.toptal.com/developers/blog 3 comments
- 9 Essential Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers | Toptal® https://www.toptal.com/ruby-on-rails/interview-questions 1 comment
- 10 Common Web Security Vulnerabilities | Toptal http://www.toptal.com/security/10-most-common-web-security-vulnerabilities 0 comments
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