Hacker News
- Reddit Allows Hate Speech to Flourish in Its Global Forums, Moderators Say https://time.com/6121915/reddit-international-hate-speech/ 8 comments
- “Anything outside the anglosphere is pretty much ignored, to be honest” - A very good recent insightful article on how Reddit moderators essentially ignore racism, slurs and other hateful content from non-English language. https://time.com/6121915/reddit-international-hate-speech/ 6 comments russia
- Reddit Allows Hate Speech to Flourish in Its Global Forums, Moderators Say https://time.com/6121915/reddit-international-hate-speech/?utm_source=reddit.com 7 comments technology
- Reddit Allows Hate Speech to Flourish in Its Global Forums, Moderators Say https://time.com/6121915/reddit-international-hate-speech/ 89 comments china
- Reddit Allows Hate Speech to Flourish in Its Global Forums, Moderators Say https://time.com/6121915/reddit-international-hate-speech/ 6 comments economy
- Reddit Allows Hate Speech to Flourish in Its Global Forums, Moderators Say https://time.com/6121915/reddit-international-hate-speech/ 176 comments technology
- Reddit Allows Hate Speech to Flourish in Its Global Forums, Moderators Say https://time.com/6121915/reddit-international-hate-speech/ 65 comments india
Linking pages
- First it was Facebook, then Twitter. Is Reddit about to become rubbish too? | Hussein Kesvani | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/20/facebook-twitter-reddit-rubbish-ipo 4004 comments
- Why Reddit Users Have Turned Against the Company’s IPO | TIME https://time.com/6835612/reddit-users-ipo/ 61 comments
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