- This Week In React Native #211: Screens, Edge-to-Edge, RN 0.77 RC, Legend List, Rapier, Testing Library, Bottom Tabs, Cali, Nitro, Solito, Radon... https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/211 4 comments reactnative
- This Week In React #211: React Router, TanStack, Next.js, Vite, RSCs, Aria, Rslib, React-Scan, Screens, Edge-to-Edge, RN 0.77 RC, Legend List, Rapier, Testing Library, Bottom Tabs, Cali, Nitro, Solito, Radon, Wasm, Tailwind, TypeScript, Deno... https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/211 2 comments reactjs
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- Deno v. Oracle: Canceling the JavaScript Trademark https://deno.com/blog/deno-v-oracle 222 comments
- Tailwind CSS v4.0 Beta 1 - Tailwind CSS https://tailwindcss.com/blog/tailwindcss-v4-beta 128 comments
- Announcing TypeScript 5.7 - TypeScript https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-7/ 51 comments
- Vite 6.0 is out! | Vite https://vite.dev/blog/announcing-vite6 47 comments
- Enter WebSockets - Mock Service Worker https://mswjs.io/blog/enter-websockets 25 comments
- https://youtube.com/watch?si=G_oWKFaVeHMJZ3Wp&v=s8H5-CZOlm0 21 comments
- Feature-based React Architecture https://www.robinwieruch.de/react-feature-architecture/ 6 comments
- https://youtu.be/PUf8DzCvrdc 2 comments
- Deno 2.1: Wasm Imports and other enhancements https://deno.com/blog/v2.1 1 comment
- GitHub - callstackincubator/cali: AI agent for building React Native apps https://github.com/callstackincubator/cali 1 comment
- LiveStore: SQLite-based data layer for local-first apps https://expo.dev/blog/local-first-application-development-with-livestore 0 comments
- React Router v7 | Remix https://remix.run/blog/react-router-v7 0 comments
- V1.0 Release | Better Auth https://www.better-auth.com/v1 0 comments
- A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support • Josh W. Comeau https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/browser-support/ 0 comments
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