- This Week In React #187: Next.js, Expo, Popover, rethrow, SWR, React-Query, Astro, PPR, tRPC, zsa, Memory leaks, INP, RN IDE, Skia, WebGPU, RNSC, Atlas, Re.Pack, Prisma, SwiftUI, Flutter, Angular... https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/187 7 comments reactjs
- This Week In React Native #187: RN IDE, Skia, RNSC, Atlas, Re.Pack, Prisma, SwiftUI... https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/187 2 comments reactnative
Linked pages
- Facebook just updated its relationship status with web components | Mux https://www.mux.com/blog/facebook-just-updated-it-s-relationship-status-with-web-components 104 comments
- A virtual DOM in 200 lines of JavaScript – Marcelo Lazaroni – Developing for the Interwebs https://lazamar.github.io/virtual-dom/ 50 comments
- Radon IDE – An IDE for React Native https://ide.swmansion.com/ 37 comments
- Ready to Use React Native Components - WithFrame https://withfra.me/components 23 comments
- https://blog.angular.dev/angular-v18-is-now-available-e79d5ac0affe 19 comments
- Storybook 8.1 https://storybook.js.org/blog/storybook-8-1/ 14 comments
- Migrating from Radix to React Aria: Improving Accessibility and UX https://argos-ci.com/blog/react-aria-migration 14 comments
- "Web components" considered harmful https://www.mayank.co/blog/web-components-considered-harmful/ 7 comments
- React Admin - Open-Source Framework for B2B applications https://marmelab.com/react-admin/ 6 comments
- Here’s What We Learned From the First State of HTML Survey – Frontend Masters Boost https://frontendmasters.com/blog/state-of-html-2023-results-2/ 1 comment
- Sneaky React Memory Leaks: How useCallback and closures can bite you | Kevin Schiener https://schiener.io/2024-03-03/react-closures 0 comments
- How To Dockerize A React App? • Scientyfic World https://scientyficworld.org/how-to-dockerize-a-react-app/ 0 comments
- Next.js 15 RC | Next.js https://nextjs.org/blog/next-15-rc 0 comments
- Bringing Prisma ORM to React Native and Expo https://www.prisma.io/blog/bringing-prisma-orm-to-react-native-and-expo 0 comments
- Combining React Server Components with react-query for Easy Data Management – Frontend Masters Boost https://frontendmasters.com/blog/combining-react-server-components-with-react-query-for-easy-data-management/ 0 comments
- On Laravel, Full-Stack JavaScript, and Productive Frameworks | Josh Larson https://www.jplhomer.org/posts/on-laravel-full-stack-javascript-and-productive-frameworks/ 0 comments
- Introducing the Vercel Web Application Firewall – Vercel https://vercel.com/blog/introducing-the-vercel-waf 0 comments
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