- This Week in Rust #572 https://this-week-in-rust.org/blog/2024/11/06/this-week-in-rust-572/ 4 comments rust
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- Feds: Critical Software Must Drop C/C++ by 2026 or Face Risk - The New Stack https://thenewstack.io/feds-critical-software-must-drop-c-c-by-2026-or-face-risk/ 834 comments
- Rust Programming Language https://www.rust-lang.org/ 595 comments
- A comparison of Rust’s borrow checker to the one in C# | em-tg https://em-tg.github.io/csborrow/ 509 comments
- Reddit Poker Tournaments http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=90ffr9qqsphlbg0hrmrop95qi0%40group.calendar.google.com 483 comments
- Why I love Rust for tokenising and parsing | xnacly - blog https://xnacly.me/posts/2024/rust-pldev/ 356 comments
- https://tonbo.io/blog/async-rust-is-not-safe-with-io-uring 241 comments
- Rust's Sneaky Deadlock With `if let` Blocks | Brooks Blog https://brooksblog.bearblog.dev/rusts-sneaky-deadlock-with-if-let-blocks/ 141 comments
- Rust's Most Subtle Syntax | zk https://zkrising.com/writing/rusts-most-subtle-syntax/ 103 comments
- Quickstart | Ractor https://slawlor.github.io/ractor/quickstart/ 94 comments
- Parsing arguments in Rust with no dependencies | nicole@web https://ntietz.com/blog/parsing-arguments-rust-no-deps/ 54 comments
- MinPin: yet another pin proposal · baby steps https://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2024/11/05/minpin/ 35 comments
- GitHub - sectordistrict/intentrace: intentrace is strace with intent, it goes all the way for you instead of half the way. intentrace is currently in beta https://github.com/sectordistrict/intentrace 24 comments
- This Development-cycle in Cargo: 1.83 | Inside Rust Blog https://blog.rust-lang.org/inside-rust/2024/10/31/this-development-cycle-in-cargo-1.83.html 21 comments
- "German string" optimizations in Spellbook https://the-mikedavis.github.io/posts/german-string-optimizations-in-spellbook/ 21 comments
- Next Steps on the Rust Trademark Policy | Rust Blog https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/11/06/trademark-update.html 20 comments
- Macros, Safety, and SOA | Tim Harding https://tim-harding.github.io/blog/soa-rs/ 17 comments
- [2410.18280] Crux, a Precise Verifier for Rust and Other Languages https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.18280 13 comments
- October project goals update | Rust Blog https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/10/31/project-goals-oct-update.html 12 comments
- https://sycamore.dev/post/announcing-v0-9-0 10 comments
- This Week in Rust http://this-week-in-rust.org/ 8 comments
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