- Elizabeth Warren proposes a lifetime lobbying ban for major government officials https://theweek.com/speedreads/865277/elizabeth-warren-proposes-lifetime-lobbying-ban-major-government-officials 2756 comments politics
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- Elizabeth Warren wants to 'end lobbying as we know it' and, unsurprisingly, lobbyists are not happy | The Week https://theweek.com/speedreads/869305/elizabeth-warren-wants-end-lobbying-know-unsurprisingly-lobbyists-are-not-happy 662 comments
- Elizabeth Warren capped her big anti-corruption speech in New York with 4 hours of selfies | The Week https://www.theweek.com/speedreads/865378/elizabeth-warren-capped-big-anticorruption-speech-new-york-4-hours-selfies 48 comments
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