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- The Jeffrey Epstein case is why people believe in Pizzagate https://theweek.com/articles/851426/jeffrey-epstein-case-why-people-believe-pizzagate 32 comments
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- Trump reportedly held a VIP party that was just him, Jeffrey Epstein, and 28 women providing 'entertainment' | The Week https://theweek.com/speedreads/851881/trump-reportedly-held-vip-party-that-just-jeffrey-epstein-28-women-providing-entertainment 725 comments
- That impeachment hearing protester was actually an InfoWars reporter and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist | The Week https://theweek.com/speedreads/883047/that-impeachment-hearing-protester-actually-infowars-reporter-pizzagate-conspiracy-theorist 655 comments
- The Matt Gaetz allegations show how QAnon corrupts its followers | The Week https://theweek.com/articles/974951/matt-gaetz-allegations-show-how-qanon-corrupts-followers?amp%3Butm_medium=email&%3Butm_source=afternoon_newsletter 217 comments
- The Matt Gaetz allegations show how QAnon corrupts its followers | The Week https://theweek.com/articles/974951/matt-gaetz-allegations-show-how-qanon-corrupts-followers 106 comments
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