- Google denies Ukrainian reports it unblurred satellite Maps imagery in Russia https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/18/23030753/google-maps-russian-military-satellite-images-russia-ukraine 44 comments worldnews
- Google denies Ukrainian reports it unblurred satellite Maps imagery in Russia https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/18/23030753/google-maps-russian-military-satellite-images-russia-ukraine 27 comments worldnews
Linked pages
- Google Denies Removing Blurring For Russia’s Military Sites - The Moscow Times https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/04/18/google-maps-removes-blurring-for-russias-military-sites-a77397 2775 comments
- The Verge https://www.theverge.com/ 326 comments
- Intel Sharing Between U.S. and Ukraine 'Revolutionary' Says DIA Director - USNI News https://news.usni.org/2022/03/18/intel-sharing-between-u-s-and-ukraine-revolutionary-says-dia-director 2 comments
- OSINT UK on Twitter: "Google Maps has stopped hiding Russia’s secret military &ampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampamp; strategic facilities. Allowing anyone in the public to view. Open sourcing all secret Russian installations: including ICBMs, command posts and more with a resolution of 0.5m per pixel. https://t.co/K77t0gmt3J" / Twitter https://twitter.com/jon96179496/status/1516020663106080768 2 comments
- List of satellite map images with missing or unclear data - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_satellite_map_images_with_missing_or_unclear_data 0 comments
- UkrArmyBlog 🇺🇦 on Twitter: "⚡️GOOGLE MAPS ВІДКРИВ ДОСТУП ДО ВІЙСЬКОВИХ ТА СТРАТЕГІЧНИХ ОБ’ЄКТІВ РОСІЇ. Тепер кожен може побачити різноманітні російські пускові установки, шахти міжконтинентальних балістичних ракет, командні пункти та секретні полігони з роздільною здатністю близько до 0,5 метра на піксель. https://t.co/i75wR8Efwo" / Twitter https://twitter.com/ArmedForcesUkr/status/1516018161023389703 0 comments
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