- PayPal is canceling accounts used by the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes, and antifa groups - PayPal said today that it will cancel accounts used by far-right group the Proud Boys as well as multiple accounts from anti-fascist groups. https://www.theverge.com/2018/11/9/18079880/paypal-proud-boys-gavin-mcinnes-antifa 4281 comments technology
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- Proud Boys and several Antifa groups blocked on PayPal. https://slate.com/technology/2018/11/proud-boys-and-several-antifa-groups-blocked-on-paypal.html 19 comments
- Funding Hate: How extremists like the ones who attacked the Capitol are making money off the internet | Southern Poverty Law Center https://www.splcenter.org/news/2021/03/26/funding-hate-how-extremists-ones-who-attacked-capitol-are-making-money-internet 12 comments
- Funding Hate: How extremists like the ones who attacked the Capitol are making money off the internet | Southern Poverty Law Center https://www.splcenter.org/news/2021/04/01/funding-hate-how-extremists-ones-who-attacked-capitol-are-making-money-internet 9 comments
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