Hacker News
- The arms race for anti-drone weaponry http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/29/9631208/drone-defender-regulation-iacp 44 comments
- Welcome to the arms race for anti-drone weaponry http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/29/9631208/drone-defender-regulation-iacp/ 4 comments technology
Linking pages
- Dutch police are training eagles to take out drones - The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/1/10884586/drone-vs-eagle-dutch-police 7 comments
- The Dronegun blocks radio signals to bring illegal drones down - The Verge http://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2016/11/30/13800338/dronegun-droneshield-anti-drone-gun-security 5 comments
- Tokyo police unveil net-wielding interceptor drone - The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2015/12/11/9891128/tokyo-interceptor-net-drone 4 comments
Linked pages
- The Verge https://www.theverge.com/ 326 comments
- Three arrests fail to staunch mystery of drones flying over French nuclear plants | Nuclear power | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/nov/06/arrests-myster-drones-flying-french-nuclear-plants 58 comments
- US government to require registration of some small drones - The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/19/9567625/drone-registration-will-be-required-in-us-dot-faa-announce 2 comments
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