- [The Ringer] Bill: Adam Silver has to channel his inner David Stern and start fining people violating COVID protocol. Silver wants to be liked, player-friend, unlike Goodell who fined people left and right. He barely punished Harden, Kyrie probably saw that and say F it. https://www.theringer.com/the-bill-simmons-podcast/2021/1/12/22227702/lebron-mvp-run-lamelo-leap-steph-f-u-tour-nba-covid-issues-with-ryen-russillo 425 comments nba
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- Kawhi Leonard Is Back—and the NBA Should Be Petrified - The Ringer https://www.theringer.com/nba/2023/2/16/23601593/kawhi-leonard-los-angeles-clippers 75 comments
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