Hacker News
- Forewarn gives realtors access to buyers' histories with a phone number https://therecord.media/forewarn-app-real-estate-homebuyer-data 65 comments
- Data broker app Forewarn gives 100s of 1,000s of realtors one click, instant access to prospective buyers foreclosure, bankruptcy, property, criminal records w/ only a phone #. Buyers never know of screening. Forewarn directs realtors not to tell buyers they've been found unqualified due to its data https://therecord.media/forewarn-app-real-estate-homebuyer-data 42 comments privacy
- How a little-known tool is sweeping the real estate industry by giving instant access to vast amounts of homebuyer data https://therecord.media/forewarn-app-real-estate-homebuyer-data 4 comments privacy
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