- 62 percent of voters say Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president: poll https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/595919-62-percent-of-voters-say-putin-wouldnt-have-invaded-ukraine-if-trump/ 36 comments politics
- 62 percent of voters say Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president: poll https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/595919-62-percent-of-voters-say-putin-wouldnt-have-invaded-ukraine-if-trump 46 comments politics
- 62 percent of voters say Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president: poll https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/595919-62-percent-of-voters-say-putin-wouldnt-have-invaded-ukraine-if-trump 462 comments moderatepolitics
- 62 percent of voters say Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president: poll https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/595919-62-percent-of-voters-say-putin-wouldnt-have-invaded-ukraine-if-trump 2467 comments worldnews
- 62 percent of voters say Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president: poll https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/595919-62-percent-of-voters-say-putin-wouldnt-have-invaded-ukraine-if-trump 87 comments politics
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- Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president: poll https://nypost.com/2022/02/26/putin-would-not-have-invaded-ukraine-if-trump-were-president-poll/ 53 comments
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