- Trump’s economy is great for billionaires, not for working people - Bernie Sanders https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jan/16/trump-economy-billionaires-working-people 6 comments politics
Linked pages
- Almost 80% of US workers live from paycheck to paycheck. Here's why | Robert Reich | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/29/us-economy-workers-paycheck-robert-reich 1265 comments
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- The U.N. says 18.5 million Americans are in ‘extreme poverty.’ Trump’s team says just 250,000 are. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2018/06/25/trump-team-rebukes-u-n-saying-it-overestimates-extreme-poverty-in-america-by-18-million-people 709 comments
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- https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf 334 comments
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- Paychecks Lag as Profits Soar, and Prices Erode Wage Gains - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/13/business/economy/wages-workers-profits.html 146 comments
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- CEOs earn 361 times more than the average U.S. worker - union report | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-compensation-ceos/ceos-earn-361-times-more-than-the-average-u-s-worker-union-report-iduskcn1in2fu 86 comments
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- http://data.bls.gov/pdq/surveyoutputservlet 22 comments
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- "I blame myself": Retirement remains out of reach for millions of Americans - CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/news/i-blame-myself-retirement-remains-out-of-reach-for-millions-of-americans/ 2 comments
- Bloomberg Pay Index: Highest-Paid Executives for 2016 https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2017-highest-paid-ceos/ 0 comments
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