- ‘At 75, I still have to work’: millions of Americans can’t afford to retire | US retirement https://www.theguardian.com/money/2021/dec/13/americans-retire-work-social-security 619 comments economy
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- A TikToker raised nearly $170,000 for an older Walmart worker so she could pay off her mortgage and retire https://news.yahoo.com/tiktoker-raised-nearly-170-000-173413126.html 72 comments
- The Americans retiring to Mexico for a more affordable life: ‘We are immigrants’ | Mexico | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/11/americans-retire-mexico-affordability-peace 2 comments
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- Number of people 75 and older in the labor force is expected to grow 96.5 percent by 2030 : The Economics Daily: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2021/number-of-people-75-and-older-in-the-labor-force-is-expected-to-grow-96-5-percent-by-2030.htm 28 comments
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