- Leading the whey: the synthetic milk startups shaking up the dairy industry https://www.theguardian.com/food/2022/sep/18/leading-the-whey-the-synthetic-milk-startups-shaking-up-the-dairy-industry 256 comments technology
- Dairy products produced by yeast instead of cows have the potential to become major disruptors and reduce the environmental burden of traditional dairy farming https://www.theguardian.com/food/2022/sep/18/leading-the-whey-the-synthetic-milk-startups-shaking-up-the-dairy-industry 3 comments environment
- Leading the whey: the synthetic milk startups shaking up the dairy industry | Milk https://www.theguardian.com/food/2022/sep/18/leading-the-whey-the-synthetic-milk-startups-shaking-up-the-dairy-industry 35 comments upliftingnews
- Dairy products produced by yeast instead of cows have the potential to become major disruptors and reduce the environmental burden of traditional dairy farming https://www.theguardian.com/food/2022/sep/18/leading-the-whey-the-synthetic-milk-startups-shaking-up-the-dairy-industry 1491 comments futurology
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