- Checking Ted Cruz's climate science denial howlers | These are people who fancy themselves as the leader of the “free world” but think every science academy in the world together with the world’s thermometers, tide gauges and glaciers are all engaged in an elaborate hoax. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/planet-oz/2016/feb/11/checking-ted-cruzs-climate-science-denial-clangers 9 comments politics
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- Ted Cruz Took a Trip to Cancun During Texas Winter Crisis https://lawandcrime.com/awkward/power-trip-flyingted-admittedly-had-no-defense-for-lone-star-states-crisis-then-he-booked-it-for-cancun/ 192 comments
- San Diego Republican mayor pushes plan to run on 100% renewable energy | San Diego | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/26/san-diego-mayor-renewable-energy-plan-kevin-faulconer 35 comments
- Republican Party No Longer Pro-Business, Says Billionaire Michael Bloomberg | HuffPost Impact http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bloomberg-republican-party_us_571656e2e4b06f35cb70b158 17 comments
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