- Amazon wild west: where drugs, fish and logging are big money but life is cheap | Amazon rainforest https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/01/amazon-brazil-drugs-fish-logging-dom-phillips-bruno-pereira 2 comments worldnews
Linking pages
- Lula faces stiff challenge to fulfil vow to reverse Amazon deforestation in Brazil | Brazil | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/05/lula-brazil-amazon-rainforest-deforestation 1 comment
- Rare good news from the Amazon: Gigantic fish are thriving again https://text.npr.org/1139978552 0 comments
- Brazil ministers to visit site of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira’s murder | Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/16/dom-phillips-bruno-pereiras-brazil-ministers-visit-site-murder 0 comments
Linked pages
- Brazil investigates alleged slaughter of Amazonian tribespeople by gold miners | Natural resources and development | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/sep/12/brazil-investigates-reports-of-massacre-among-amazon-tribe-javari-valley 3 comments
- Bruno Pereira: the dedicated defender of Indigenous rights missing in Brazil | Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/08/bruno-pereira-missing-indigenous-rights-defender-brazil-amazon 2 comments
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