- Jeb Bush isn't George W. He just thinks the same and hires the same people. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/feb/19/jeb-bush-george-w-bush-the-same-people 196 comments politics
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- Apple https://apple.com 5524 comments
- Jeb Bush’s foreign policy team is eerily familiar, in one Venn diagram - The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2015/02/18/jeb-bushs-foreign-policy-team-is-eerily-familiar-in-1-venn-diagram/ 59 comments
- Jeb Bush backs brother's NSA surveillance program 'to keep us safe' | Jeb Bush | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/18/jeb-bush-nsa-surveillance-program-george-w 10 comments
- Resist the Jeb Bush the media wants to sell you for 2016. It's a Jeb of lies | Jeb Lund | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/30/jeb-bush-2016-lies 3 comments
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